Thames River
Tames River is located in England. Its length is around 210 miles.
Its has is source at seven springs, Cotswold hills and it ends in
North Sea.
has four many tributaries. They are the Isis, the Churn, the Colne,
and the Leach. The Thames flow passing many mayor cities, such us
Oxford, Reading, and London. On the Thames River was built a bridge,
a called London Bridge.
Thames River is the most important river in England. Because it has
some advantages that is the main source of water supply for London,
transportation, archaeological discovery including fossils of
seashells and a human skull of the paleolithic period.
and Disadvantages of Air Travel
first obvious advantage of air travel
is that it is quick. You can fly from Europe to America in a few
hours, and with the introduction of supersonic planes, travelling
time between continents is getting shorter. It is very easy and
comfortable to travel by plane; someone looks after your luggage
and all you have to do is to get on, sit down, relax and enjoy a meal
or a film. Your comfortable seat is reserved and there is excellent
waitress service. Another
point in favour of air travel
is that it is relatively cheap, especially for long-distance travel.
the other hand (However), travelling by air has some
disadvantages. Perhaps the most important is that
you fly directly to your destination and you have no feeling of
travelling from one country to another. Another
point (disadvantage) is that because
(as) air travel is so quick, people going long distances non-stop
often suffer from tiredness; so they save time travelling, but
time recovering.
It also happens that
passengers are often delayed by fog and other weather conditions.
I think that
the advantages of travelling by plane outweigh the disadvantages,
mainly when you have to travel long distances and want to save time.
Saya ibu HERIYANTI dari palembang mengucap syukur kepada allah,karna melalui bantuan dari aki abdul jamal yg sebesar 20m kini saya sudah bisa menjalankan usaha saya lagi. Puji syukur saya panjatkan kepada Allah yang telah mempertemukan saya dengan Aki Abdul Jamal dan melalui bantun pesugihan putih beliau yang sebar 5M inilah yang saya gunakan untuk membuka usaha selama ini,makanya saya sengaja memposting pesang sinkat ini biar semua orang tau kalau Aki Abdul Jamal bisa membantuh kita mengenai masalah ekonomi dengan bantuan pesugihan putihnya yang tampa tumbal karna saya juga tampa sengaja menemukan postingan orang diinternet jadi saya lansun menhubungi beliau dan dengan senang hati beliau mau membantuh saya,,jadi bagi teman teman yang mempunyai keluhan jangan anda ragu untuk menghubungi beliau di no 0822-9698-7979- rasa senang ini tidak bisa diunkapkan dengan kata kata makanya saya menulis pesan ini biar
BalasHapusSemua orang tau,ini sebuah kisa nyata dari saya dan tidak ada rekayasa sedikit pun yang saya tulis ini,sekali lagi terimah kasih banyak ya Aki dan insya allah suatu hari nanti saya akan berkunjun ke kediaman Aki untuk silaturahmi.Wassalam dari saya ibu Sartika dan untuk lebih lenkapnya silahkan buka blok Aki disini 😃Pesugihan Putih Tanpa Tumbal😃